Many individuals who start using their very first web hosting account, or switch companies, often have enquiries concerning how certain tasks are carried out or run into complications when setting up different things such as emails, website settings, and so on. This is why, some hosting providers have compiled documentation with the most frequently asked questions and issues in order to help their customers receive info quickly and seamlessly. Consequently, the client service team members can dedicate more time to actual problems that certain customers may be encountering, because the solution for the smaller things will already be available on the web and customers can deal with them without contacting the help desk support staff. Having in-depth documentation is extremely important, especially for new clients with zero experience, because the hosting service entails an enormous number of functions and lots of people can get baffled about what to do. A good information repository can both help you accomplish the tasks that you want and acquaint yourself with how the hosting service functions in general.